Bridging the Water: Dutch trainers deliver PPT and SOM courses in Durban

At the end of March 2022 Claudia Peters and Gabrielle Knufman from World Water Academy, together with Dutch Trainers Hans Mollen and Melanie Vermeeren, traveled to Durban and Cape Town, South Africa, to deliver two final training courses as part of the Orange Knowledge Project ‘Bridging the Water’.
Training Delivery Mbombela Municipality March 2022

On 17th and 18th April 2022 the Basics of Waste water Treatment course was delivered for the first time in Mbombela Municipality, South Africa. In total a group of 15 participants received the training.
World Water Day

We were honoured to be invited for the World Water Day event hosted by the @department of Water and Sanitation in the Western Cape, to share the project results of the OKP programme ‘Bridging the Water’ with all attending Municipalities.